Full Pink Moon, Supermoon, Paschal Full Moon

Full Pink Moon

Full Pink Moon

Tonight is the first Full Moon of Spring, as well as a Supermoon, and the Paschal Full Moon.

April's Full Moon is known as the Full Pink Moon because for native cultures it heralded the appearance of pink flower blossoms from wild ground phlox, also known as moss pink, one of the first Spring flowers.

Many of the Moon’s nicknames come from Native American culture. Because of their way of life, the cycles of the lunar phases were just as important for keeping time as the longer solar cycle of the year (from which the modern Gregorian calendar is derived). Seasonal changes in the landscape often corresponded with the cycles of the Moon, and as such nicknames of Pink Moon, Flower Moon, Hunter’s Moon, and others were used.

Note, the Full Pink Moon will not actually look pink. The Moon will be its usual golden color near the horizon and fade to a bright white as it glides overhead.

Tonight’s Full Moon will also be the biggest and brightest Full Moon of 2020. When the Moon in its elliptical path comes closer to Earth it appears larger and brighter, and is known as a Supermoon. The April Full Moon is the closest the Moon will be to the Earth in 2020.

It is also the Paschal Full Moon, which is the first Full Moon that occurs on or after the Spring Equinox, which is used to determine Easter. Easter is observed on the Sunday following the Paschal Full Moon.

A Full Moon is the time that you may begin to notice the benefits from the intentions you’ve set and hard work you’ve done over the past few weeks.

The Moon is currently in Libra, so you may feel the desire for partnerships and collaboration.